Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
Strange Moment During The 2015 Regional Convention
by JW_Rogue inhi, i'm new here but hadn't seen this mentioned anywhere yet.
during the "imitate jesus" rc there was a strange moment where they played a video of a brother trying to explain the 1914 teaching.
the brother quickly goes through all the scriptural "proofs" and the householder is dumbfounded.
Brokeback Watchtower
I hope they have ministry school assignments trying to expain it, that ought to be a real hoot. maybe even an instruction talk that ties one's think ability up in knots, -
The Bible is NOT Error-Free
by FusionTheism infor many christians, the bible is viewed as the 100% error-free, perfect book straight from god, where every single word was carefully chosen by god for a reason.
but, usually, when you have a discussion on the topic, these christians will end up saying that only the original copies written directly from the hands of the prophets and apostles were error-free, and all manuscript copies since then are subject to copyist mistakes and other errors.. since zero original copies are in existence, how do we know the originals were error-free?
why should we think the originals should be error-free to begin with?
Brokeback Watchtower
Oh that was shear fun,. -
Lett, the lying, deceitful TURD
by Esse quam videri in... we just felt that you dear brothers and sisters needed to be made aware of these expenditures that were facing in the coming months and years.... .
the may broadcast was just to make the 'dear brothers and sisters aware' and not to ask for more money?.
lett, the lying, deceitful turd!.
Brokeback Watchtower
Was The Apostle Paul Out Of His Mind? Or Just An Eccentric Megalomaniac?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini have some quotes from the new world bible from 2 cor 11&12 read them and give us your prognosis, he definitely thought very highly of himself, his vision that he received from the unconscious and inflated his ego for sure.
i'm sure this guy is over the top in his exaggerations about what he did and didn't do probably lots of denial about some of his own fraud being projected onto his boogie man rivals he sarcastically calls superfine apostles.. for i consider that i have not proved inferior to your superfine apostles in a single thing.+ 6 but even if i am unskilled in speech,+ i certainly am not in knowledge; indeed we made it clear to you in every way and in everything.....12 but what i am doing i will continue to do,+ in order to eliminate the pretext of those who are wanting a basis* for being found equal to us in the things* about which they boast.
13 for such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of christ.+ 14 and no wonder, for satan himself keeps disguising himself as an angel of light.+ 15 it is therefore nothing extraordinary if his ministers also keep disguising themselves as ministers of righteousness.
Brokeback Watchtower
The dangers of becoming inflated when receiving vision from the collective unconscious and this is what I think happened to the apostle Paul.
......It will be remembered that in the analysis of the personal unconscious the first things to be added to consciousness are the personal contents and I suggested that these contents which have been repressed, but are capable of becoming conscious, should be called the personal unconscious. I also showed that to annex the deeper layers of the unconscious, which I have called the collective unconscious, produces an extension of the personality leading to the state of inflation. (Jung 1953, 7:2433 )......
Such misapplication of yoga leads to positive and negative inflation and all their attendant ills of which Jung speaks repeatedly and eloquently throughout his works. For instance: In projection, he vacillates between an extravagant and pathological deification of the doctor, and a contempt bristling with hatred. In introjection, he gets involved in a ridiculous self-deification, or else a moral self-laceration. The mistake he makes in both cases comes from attributing to a person the contents of the collective 4 lha’i nga rgyal. Jung’s Warnings Against Inflation • 163 unconscious. In this way he makes himself or his partner either god or devil. Here we see the characteristic effect of the archetype: it seizes hold of the psyche with a kind of primeval force and compels it to transgress the bounds of humanity. It causes exaggeration, a puffed-up attitude (inflation), loss of free will, delusion, and enthusiasm in good and evil alike (Jung 1953, 7:110)....
Positive inflation of the religious sort can lead to assumptions of grandeur, viewing oneself as having the universal panacea: The second possible mode of reaction is identification with the collective psyche. This would be equivalent to acceptance of the inflation, but now exalted into a system. In other words, one would be the fortunate possessor of the great truth that was only waiting to be discovered, of the eschatological knowledge that means the healing of the nations. This attitude does not necessarily signify megalomania in direct form, but megalomania in the milder and more familiar form it takes in the reformer, the prophet, and the martyr. (Jung 1953, 7:260) Just as the prophet convinced that he/she has the final truth is inflated through identification with the forces of deep contents, so is the humble disciple, affecting the posture of only following the master’s dictums: But besides the possibility of becoming a prophet, there is another alluring joy, subtler and apparently more legitimate: the joy of becoming a prophet’s disciple.… The disciple is unworthy; modestly he sits at the Master’s feet and guards against having ideas of his own. Mental laziness becomes a virtue; one can at least bask in the sun of a semidivine being.…Naturally the disciples always stick together, not out of love, but for the very understandable purpose of effortlessly confirming their own convictions by engendering an air of collective agreement.…[J]ust as the prophet is a primordial image from the collective psyche, so also is the disciple of the prophet. (Jung 1953, 7:263-265) In both cases inflation is brought about by the collective unconscious, and the independence of the individuality suffers injury. In a similar vein: These few examples may suffice to show what kind of spirit animated these movements. They were made up of people who identified themselves (or were identified) with God, who deemed themselves supermen, had a critical approach to the gospels, followed the promptings of the inner man, and understood the kingdom of heaven to be within. In a sense, therefore, they were modern in their outlook, but they had a religious inflation instead of the rationalistic and political psychosis that is the affliction of our day. (Jung 1969, 9:140).....Correspondingly, inflation is of two varieties, negative and positive, the former being when the ego is subsumed in the collective unconscious and latter when the ego takes too much to itself. Jung says: With the integration of projections—which the merely natural man in his unbounded naïveté can never recognize as such—the personality becomes so vastly enlarged that the normal ego-personality is almost extinguished. In other words, if the individual identifies himself with the contents awaiting integration, a positive or negative inflation results. Positive inflation comes very near to a more or less conscious megalomania; negative inflation is felt as an annihilation of the ego. (Jung 1966, 16:472)
Was The Apostle Paul Out Of His Mind? Or Just An Eccentric Megalomaniac?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini have some quotes from the new world bible from 2 cor 11&12 read them and give us your prognosis, he definitely thought very highly of himself, his vision that he received from the unconscious and inflated his ego for sure.
i'm sure this guy is over the top in his exaggerations about what he did and didn't do probably lots of denial about some of his own fraud being projected onto his boogie man rivals he sarcastically calls superfine apostles.. for i consider that i have not proved inferior to your superfine apostles in a single thing.+ 6 but even if i am unskilled in speech,+ i certainly am not in knowledge; indeed we made it clear to you in every way and in everything.....12 but what i am doing i will continue to do,+ in order to eliminate the pretext of those who are wanting a basis* for being found equal to us in the things* about which they boast.
13 for such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of christ.+ 14 and no wonder, for satan himself keeps disguising himself as an angel of light.+ 15 it is therefore nothing extraordinary if his ministers also keep disguising themselves as ministers of righteousness.
Brokeback Watchtower
But lets say for hypothetical reasons that Paul is real and these are his word's He is suffering from megalomania and demonizes anyone who he feels is a threat to his imagined superiority due to receiving messages/visions from the collective unconscious which have inflated his ego.
Often when that happens a person goes off and become a teacher of the way and make no further progress in the natural individuation process pity look all the suffering and worry it brought upon him.
Was The Apostle Paul Out Of His Mind? Or Just An Eccentric Megalomaniac?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini have some quotes from the new world bible from 2 cor 11&12 read them and give us your prognosis, he definitely thought very highly of himself, his vision that he received from the unconscious and inflated his ego for sure.
i'm sure this guy is over the top in his exaggerations about what he did and didn't do probably lots of denial about some of his own fraud being projected onto his boogie man rivals he sarcastically calls superfine apostles.. for i consider that i have not proved inferior to your superfine apostles in a single thing.+ 6 but even if i am unskilled in speech,+ i certainly am not in knowledge; indeed we made it clear to you in every way and in everything.....12 but what i am doing i will continue to do,+ in order to eliminate the pretext of those who are wanting a basis* for being found equal to us in the things* about which they boast.
13 for such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of christ.+ 14 and no wonder, for satan himself keeps disguising himself as an angel of light.+ 15 it is therefore nothing extraordinary if his ministers also keep disguising themselves as ministers of righteousness.
Brokeback Watchtower
How come you don't call Bull Shit out on people Brokeback?.
No my job gringo
Was The Apostle Paul Out Of His Mind? Or Just An Eccentric Megalomaniac?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini have some quotes from the new world bible from 2 cor 11&12 read them and give us your prognosis, he definitely thought very highly of himself, his vision that he received from the unconscious and inflated his ego for sure.
i'm sure this guy is over the top in his exaggerations about what he did and didn't do probably lots of denial about some of his own fraud being projected onto his boogie man rivals he sarcastically calls superfine apostles.. for i consider that i have not proved inferior to your superfine apostles in a single thing.+ 6 but even if i am unskilled in speech,+ i certainly am not in knowledge; indeed we made it clear to you in every way and in everything.....12 but what i am doing i will continue to do,+ in order to eliminate the pretext of those who are wanting a basis* for being found equal to us in the things* about which they boast.
13 for such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of christ.+ 14 and no wonder, for satan himself keeps disguising himself as an angel of light.+ 15 it is therefore nothing extraordinary if his ministers also keep disguising themselves as ministers of righteousness.
Brokeback Watchtower
That could possibly be true but even as a fictional being his offers a psychological perspective especially to those once under it's influence as a code of conduct. -
Was The Apostle Paul Out Of His Mind? Or Just An Eccentric Megalomaniac?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini have some quotes from the new world bible from 2 cor 11&12 read them and give us your prognosis, he definitely thought very highly of himself, his vision that he received from the unconscious and inflated his ego for sure.
i'm sure this guy is over the top in his exaggerations about what he did and didn't do probably lots of denial about some of his own fraud being projected onto his boogie man rivals he sarcastically calls superfine apostles.. for i consider that i have not proved inferior to your superfine apostles in a single thing.+ 6 but even if i am unskilled in speech,+ i certainly am not in knowledge; indeed we made it clear to you in every way and in everything.....12 but what i am doing i will continue to do,+ in order to eliminate the pretext of those who are wanting a basis* for being found equal to us in the things* about which they boast.
13 for such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of christ.+ 14 and no wonder, for satan himself keeps disguising himself as an angel of light.+ 15 it is therefore nothing extraordinary if his ministers also keep disguising themselves as ministers of righteousness.
Brokeback Watchtower
Definitely a Freudian slip right here with multiple meanings and very revealing he just can't keep his lips together long enough:
I reply like a madman, I am more outstandingly one:
Was The Apostle Paul Out Of His Mind? Or Just An Eccentric Megalomaniac?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini have some quotes from the new world bible from 2 cor 11&12 read them and give us your prognosis, he definitely thought very highly of himself, his vision that he received from the unconscious and inflated his ego for sure.
i'm sure this guy is over the top in his exaggerations about what he did and didn't do probably lots of denial about some of his own fraud being projected onto his boogie man rivals he sarcastically calls superfine apostles.. for i consider that i have not proved inferior to your superfine apostles in a single thing.+ 6 but even if i am unskilled in speech,+ i certainly am not in knowledge; indeed we made it clear to you in every way and in everything.....12 but what i am doing i will continue to do,+ in order to eliminate the pretext of those who are wanting a basis* for being found equal to us in the things* about which they boast.
13 for such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of christ.+ 14 and no wonder, for satan himself keeps disguising himself as an angel of light.+ 15 it is therefore nothing extraordinary if his ministers also keep disguising themselves as ministers of righteousness.
Brokeback Watchtower
I have some quotes from the new world bible from 2 cor 11&12 read them and give us your prognosis, he definitely thought very highly of himself, his vision that he received from the unconscious and inflated his ego for sure. I'm sure this guy is over the top in his exaggerations about what he did and didn't do probably lots of denial about some of his own fraud being projected onto his boogie man rivals he sarcastically calls superfine apostles.
For I consider that I have not proved inferior to your superfine apostles in a single thing.+ 6 But even if I am unskilled in speech,+ I certainly am not in knowledge; indeed we made it clear to you in every way and in everything.....
12 But what I am doing I will continue to do,+ in order to eliminate the pretext of those who are wanting a basis* for being found equal to us in the things* about which they boast. 13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ.+ 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself keeps disguising himself as an angel of light.+ 15 It is therefore nothing extraordinary if his ministers also keep disguising themselves as ministers of righteousness. But their end will be according to their works.+....
But if others act boldly—I am talking unreasonably—I too act boldly. 22 Are they Hebrews? I am one also.+ Are they Israelites? I am one also. Are they Abraham’s offspring?* I am also.+23 Are they ministers of Christ? I reply like a madman, I am more outstandingly one: I have done more work,+ been imprisoned more often,+ suffered countless beatings, and experienced many near-deaths.+ 24 Five times I received 40 strokes less one from the Jews,+ 25 three times I was beaten with rods,+ once I was stoned,+ three times I experienced shipwreck,+ a night and a day I have spent in the open sea; 26 in journeys often, in dangers from rivers, in dangers from robbers, in dangers from my own people,+in dangers from the nations,+ in dangers in the city,+ in dangers in the wilderness, in dangers at sea, in dangers among false brothers, 27 in labor and toil, in sleepless nights often,+ in hunger and thirst,+ frequently without food,+ in cold and lacking clothing.*....
I have to boast. It is not beneficial, but I will move on to supernatural visions+ and revelations of the Lord.+ 2 I know a man in union with Christ who, 14 years ago—whether in the body or out of the body, I do not know; God knows—was caught away to the third heaven. 3 Yes, I know such a man—whether in the body or apart from the body, I do not know; God knows— 4 who was caught away into paradise and heard words that cannot be spoken and that are not lawful for a man to say. 5 I will boast about such a man, but I will not boast about myself except of my weaknesses.6 ...He's like a possessive mother and he will do anything to keep his followers man is this guy paranoid or what. Sounds almost like a he's Hitler hatting the Jews when it comes to showing these guys he considers evil with no redeeming value. Reprobates and scoundrels all of them.
The Boldest Hoax
by Brokeback Watchtower in
Brokeback Watchtower
What's the point?
Fodder for the clueless?